Monday, November 21, 2011

We made it....just

11 intrepid climbers set out for the summit of Kilimanjaro - Africa's highest mountain - on the 8th November. As altitude sickness and other medical problems assaulted the team, we pressed on, leaving the casualties dotted like confetti on the side of the mountain! Just before midnight on Friday the survivors pressed on for the final ascent. At around 6 am on 11.11.11, as dawn broke over the African horizon, 6 climbers reached the summit at Gilman's Point.
The slowest 'summiteer' was so far behind the others that the first summiteers were starting their descent when he arrived at the top. So the planned 'aren't-we-clever-to-all-get-to-the-top-at-the-same-time' photo never materialised. The attached photo is as good as it gets!!
It was a HUGE CHALLENGE - taking everyone so far out of their comfort zone that there was weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth(and that was just the men!).
Congratulations to all who made it and those that nearly did. Thank you to everyone who sponsored us!!

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Oh my bags are packed and I am ready to go...

Three team members are already in Africa.The other 8 are just panicking about how they will fit all their cold-weather gear into their bags. The BIG ADVENTURE starts on Saturday with visits to the Sunshine Home and Church on the Rock School. After a 24 hour safari we put on our climbing boots and start the 19,340 foot ascent to the summit.
Please encourage us by sponsoring us!!