Thursday, May 28, 2020

A wave of aid

Former street boy Peter Kariuki - still smiling despite the coronavirus crisis

Current situation in Kenya

The reported number of cases of Covid 19 in Kenya remains low, although continuing to rise. The lockdown continues. With schools closed and travel restrictions in place, many people continue to suffer the economic impact of the crisis.

In Naivasha, the situation is dire with flower farms and hotels still closed. These are the two main sources of employment in this lakeside town. Informal businesses such salons, barbershops and quarries have also seen reduced trade.

In response, our team in Naivasha has continued to provide emergency aid to the families of our street boys, and members of the local community who are struggling because of the crisis

Sunshine street boys’ rehabilitation Centre, Naivasha

Our (former) street boys have left the Sunshine Centre to live with their families, and are therefore back in the conditions that drove them to the streets in the first place.

During May, the Sunshine Centre team distributed another round of emergency packs to all of our boys and their families. 

Each pack contained 10 kg of beans, 10 kg of maize, 2 kg of rice, 24 kg of maize meal, 3 litres of cooking oil and 4 large bars of soap, supplemented with spinach and kale from the Sunshine Centre farm. The team organised transport to ensure that the heavy emergency packs reached the families’ homes safely. 

In total we reached 131 families, a total of 795 beneficiaries (we are helping the whole family, not just ‘our’ Sunshine Boy). 

Friday, May 1, 2020

Fighting back against coronavirus

Food and facemasks:
fighting the impact of coronavirus

Current situation in Kenya
The reported number of Covid 19 cases in Kenya is low but rising. The main impact to date has been economic hardship as a result of the collapse of tourism, and the closure of hotels and flower farms which employ tens of thousands of people.

The poorest are being hit the hardest. Mothers who earned a small amount packing vegetables and doing washing report that their earnings have dried up because of social distancing measures. Fathers who do casual work at quarries report that their earnings have dropped as construction slows down.

Here is a brief update on how we are using the resources we have to fight back against the impact of the pandemic.

Sunshine street boys’ rehabilitation Centre, Naivasha

Almost all our (former) street boys have left the Sunshine Centre to live with their families, and are therefore back in the conditions that drove them to the streets in the first place (our staff are looking after those that have no relatives).

The Sunshine Centre team launched a massive effort to get emergency aid packs to each family, providing them with food and soap, and reassuring them that they are not forgotten.

Over a period of 4 days, the Sunshine Centre team supplied emergency packs to 100 families, helping a total of 602 beneficiaries (we are helping the whole family, not just 'our' Sunshine Boy).

Photo top: Emergency packs ready for distribution
Middle left: A mother loads her emergency pack into the matatau (minibus) provided to take her home safely
Middle right: Mama Chege hands over an emergency pack to Sunshine Boy Victor Ochieng and his family.
Bottom left: The beneficiaries received advice on hygiene and social distancing, and prayers for safe-keeping led by pastor Joseph.
Bottom right: Sunshine Boy Joseph Thumbi at home and thankful for the family's emergency pack