Thursday, July 19, 2018

The future is bright in ICT for Alex and Bernard

Alex and Bernard have have seized the chance of training in ICT at polytechnic in Mombasa.

Both young men attended Tumaini Secondary School, but, like many youngsters, were not sure what to do next.

They applied to join the Maisha Bora programme, and were accepted for sponsorship.

Following a shopping trip to buy the specialised tools they need for their course, both young men started their studies in May.

Bernard said, "Thank you for paying for my fees, giving me transport money and paying for my lunch. I am now able to attend my ICT classes and promise to do my best to produce good results!"

Alex wrote: "It is because of Maisha Bora that I will achieve my future goals, that one time I had given up. Thank you very much and may God Almighty bless you!"

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Kenya Marafun - we made it!

2018 Kenya Marafun: fun and fund-raising

At 7.20 am on 19 May, 2018 over 200 runners, joggers and walkers set off to complete the challenging Kenya Marafun course through the scenic Hell’s Gate national park.

The former street boys we care for at the Sunshine Centre ran alongside students from the Naivasha Polytechnic, Bishop Wambari school and a team of 10 visitors who had travelled from UK to take part.

Although Kenya has experienced its wettest rainy season for over 30 years, the Marafun day was cloudy but dry - perfect for running, and ideal for the UK visitors)
The event was enthusiastically supported by Kenya Wildlife Service (who patrolled the park to keep the buffaloes at bay), and our Sunshine Boys came home in first, second and third places!